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XRD Information

X-Ray Diffractometer Spec

D8 Advance 9 Position (XRD1)

  1. Model : D8 Advance

  2. Brand : Bruker AXS Germany

  3. Power : 40kV 40 mA

  4. Anode : Cu K-Alpha 1

  5. Wavelength : 0.15406 nm

  6. Detector : 1-D fast detector (Lynx-Eye)

  7. Optical geometry : Bragg-Brentano

  8. Stepsize : 0.025 degree / step

  9. Exposure time : 0.1 s / step

  10. Types of sample: Powder and pellet


D8 Advance 45 Position (XRD2)

  1. Model : D8 Advance

  2. Brand : Bruker AXS Germany

  3. Power : 40kV 40 mA

  4. Anode : Cu

  5. Wavelength : 0.15406 nm

  6. Detector : 1-D fast detector (Lynx-Eye XE)

  7. Optical geometry : Bragg-Brentano

  8. Stepsize : 0.025 degree / step

  9. Exposure time : 0.1-0.2 s / step

  10. Types of sample: Powder and pellet


D8 Advance Thin Film (XRD3)

  1. Model : D8 Advance

  2. Brand : Bruker AXS Germany

  3. Power : 40kV 40 mA

  4. Anode : Cu

  5. Primary Optic : Gobel Mirror

  6. Wavelength : 0.15406 nm

  7. Detector : 1-D fast detector (Lynx-Eye XET)

  8. Optical geometry : Bragg-Brentano

  9. XRD Technique : Grazing incidence diffraction (GID)

  10. Stepsize : 0.02 degree / step

  11. Exposure time : 0.2 s / step

  12. Types of sample: Thin Film / Micro-diffraction

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