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"Time is witness that, surely, mankind suffers loss, except for those of faith, Who do good, and become a model of truthful living, and together practice patience and constancy"

Welcome to

Xray Lab 

X-ray Lab @ UKM


X-ray diffractometer in  Characterization Physical Lab (Makmal Pencirian Fizikal); abbreviated MPF is a  located in National University of Malaysia which is about 35 kilometres (22 mi) south of Kuala Lumpur. MPF Lab  was officially formed in Nov 2012  with support research activities to all  UKM students  as well other universities and egiencies. The noble mission of MPF is to be competitive and achieve excellence in research activities by utilizing all available resources, potential and expertise, by adopting and developing the latest technologies, and by conducting cutting edge and world class research. Besides aiming to provide the most conducive place and the ideal environment to do research in material science. 

XRD Definition


X-ray Diffractometer is a tool used for identifying the phase structure of a material from the scattering pattern produced when a beam of radiation or particles in which the crystalline atoms cause a beam of incident X-rays to diffract into many specific directions. By measuring the angles and intensities of these diffracted beams, a crystallographer can determine the phase of material with different pattern peaks. From this phase, crystal structure, crystallite size, lattice strain, chemical composition, state of order can be determined.

XRD Analysis


We serve XRD analysis as fast as we can. Normally our students or customer gets the result in 3 working days. We also provide XRD software facilities to our customers. All customers need to choose their date for Computer Analysis.


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